Introduction To Niobium Anodising

Introduction To Niobium Anodising
Tell me about it
Welcome to the colourful and magical world of anodising! This is a brilliant and fun way to add colour to your jewellery. You will be guided through the theory and science behind anodising niobium, then experiment and play with niobium and titanium to create a spectrum of colours and finishes on the metal, before creating your finished piece.
There will be plenty of time for discussions and relaxed, playful making.
Can I do this class?
It is advised that you have previous experience with metalworking, as this will allow you to make the most out of the class. Techniques that you are proficient in can often be applied to the niobium. For example, if you have experience with engraving or chasing, you can engrave or chase the niobium (please bring your own equipment for this). You must have a basic understanding of metalwork: piercing, filing and hammering skills are essential.
What happens?
Day One:
First, you will be given a lecture and powerpoint presentation talking you through Alice’s journey into niobium, the science behind it, and its applications. You’ll then get a demonstration of the various techniques of anodising, including: masking, painting, sponging and dipping.
Then spend the day practicing and experimenting with these techniques on niobium scraps and pieces of titanium. You will also be supplied with tape [to mask off sections of your designs], scalpels, pencils, and various finishing materials and brushes.
Please note: titanium does not give you such bright colours as niobium and is intended for anodising practice only within the class [titanium is much cheaper and much harder!]
Working with niobium, you can experiment with mark making and patterns using techniques such as roll printing, hammer texturing, chasing, engraving and using a pendant drill to carve the metal. In the afternoon, you can discuss your ideas for your final piece with Alice. You may want to make a pair of earrings, a pendant, or a bookmark for example.
Please note: silver is not provided and must be brought with you to the class if you wish to use it.
Day Two:
Following your experiments, you will be supplied with a 3” x 3” sheet of 0.51mm thick niobium for your design. Alice will help you with your designs and guide you through anodising your finished piece, making sure that you plan your colours and techniques carefully. Then you can begin to make your finished pieces, using your experiments on day one to inform your final piece.
If you finish your piece and would like to try more, there will be the opportunity to buy additional niobium to try out. All pieces will be finished by mid-afternoon on day two. We will then lay out all samples and finished pieces and discuss what everyone learned and what the next steps are in applying it to your wider work.
Do I need to bring anything?
Design/ drawing ideas for the final piece you want to create
Notebook/ sketchbook and drawing materials
If you would like to apply your own metalworking skills to this class, please bring your own equipment - such as gravers, texture punches, hammers, chasing & repoussé tools
Money or card payment for additional niobium if wanted
Please wear long hair tied up [or bring something to do so], don’t wear open-toed shoes and keep loose-fitting clothing to a minimum
Who is teaching me?
Alice Fry is an award-winning jeweller and silversmith, who graduated from The Glasgow School of Art with a First in Silversmithing and Jewellery Design, before going on to train at the prestigious Bishopsland Educational Trust. It was here that she won The Jane Goodman Award, which has given her a grant to further study the metal ‘niobium’ with anodising expert Brian Eburah.
Alice has exhibited in New York at the international show “MAD About Jewelry”, as well as London Craft Week and the The Scottish Gallery, alongside exhibiting at the world-renowned Goldsmiths’ Fair in London. Alice specialises in using the metal niobium within her work, allowing her to add highlights of iridescent colour through the technique of anodising. She is one of a small handful of metalworkers in the UK working in niobium and the only teacher of niobium anodising for jewellery in England and Scotland.
The details
This class is limited to six spaces only to allow for each person to fully complete the tasks - don’t miss out!
Full weekend class
10th & 11th May
10am - 6pm
<< We always take a 1-hour lunch between 1pm - 2pm >>
We are a Community Interest Company who are beyond profit. Each time you buy a class from us, the money is invested in our social enterprise programmes. We aim to create a variety of sessions aimed at the most vulnerable, disadvantaged or deserving in society to give a sense of purpose and help them feel connected to those within their community. Our goal is to promote social engagement and support cultural enhancement. We believe everyone should get the opportunity to experience jewellery making.
All prices are inclusive of VAT
Students must be 16+ years
Good eyesight and hand dexterity is essential
Please read our full Ts & Cs and Cancellation Policies before booking
Vanilla Ink CIC
60 Brook Street
G40 2AB