A ten-month, part-time jewellery initiative to inspire you, transform your creative practice and kick-start your business. Maker-led and maker-designed with creativity at its core, it is a carefully interwoven set of activities, opportunities and a hive of support to generate maximum impact. With skills training at the forefront, you will leave our Programme a far better jeweller, with your bench skills, business mind and creativity improved beyond all recognition.
The INKubator is Scotland’s unique jewellery skills and business growth programme, with the aim of developing emerging and established talent by providing a supportive and educational environment. The INKubator enables the best jewellers and makers to develop and grow their business, with monthly skills and professional development workshops, networking opportunities and exciting events throughout the ten month Programme. Our INKers will thrive in a fully equipped workshop, with each given tailored 1-2-1 mentoring. It's the perfect package to ensure each INKer develops confidence, business and practical skills to last a lifetime. Working with key members within the creative and business sectors, the INKubator will give ample insight into what it takes to become a jeweller in today's landscape.
watch our inkubator promo video!
Video courtesy of Raw Film Productions
“The Vanilla Ink Programme allowed me to flourish and changed me in so many amazing ways! I cannot put into words how grateful I am to have been part of it!”
what’s it all about, then?
Skills development
We curate our Programme with skills at the forefront. We are led by a Master Goldsmith & Setter with nearly 30 years of experience in the industry, who has a natural talent for connecting with his students and is responsible for designing class content here at Vanilla Ink CIC. The improvement of jewellery methods and techniques is why we build our Programme around the upskilling of already talented jewellers and unlocking their potential. We offer the tools, knowledge and experience to invest in your practice and put it into motion, improving your confidence and allowing you to reach a future you have always dreamed of! The intensity of development flows naturally and increases as the INKubator Programme progresses through the year.
Professional Development
Our Professional Development is delivered by a highly experienced professional with a background in finance, HR and creative facilitation. We are fortunate to have such a creative powerhouse to design and deliver these specialist sessions! Where we are not experts, we partner with industry leaders to provide the sessions that allow you to grow your business and flourish as a maker. Think marketing, branding, financials etc. These are all essential to boosting your business brain and allowing your practice to flow, increasing your efficiency which means more time at the bench! The sessions help you tackle the obstacles faced when doing the dreaded admin side of your business. Let us help you grow your business mind!
Critical Response process
INKers will participate in The CAFE Method, designed and created by Ellie Smith-Barratt. CAFE stands for ‘creative authentic feedback experience’ and is used to provide a safe, productive, structured approach to feedback, which is essential to our approach to the Programme. It is completely aligned with our ethos and gives each INKer a key role in any feedback process. The beauty is that it facilitates discussion and puts the artist in a position of control while receiving feedback. This is incredibly empowering. The opportunity to discuss work in a space which is curated and where there are rules of engagement, where each INKer has an element of control over the process is an exciting, fresh approach and liberating for many artists.
“Vanilla Ink have encouraged us
to do things we might not
necessarily have tried before.”
Hive Mind
Our INKubator Programme becomes a place for collaboration and sharing. We create an environment where you can communicate, share ideas and support one another through thick and thin. We are a safe space for people to be themselves without any fear of prejudice or hate. We welcome those in society who would otherwise feel out of place or anxious about joining in group sessions. We can offer individual support or allow vulnerable students to feel safe and supported. Our unique and inclusive approach to teaching is honed from our values and ensures that everyone experiences a sense of worth and belonging. As you progress through the INKubator, you will develop new relationships and bond tightly as a team.
one to one Mentoring
We pair each INKer with a mentor who will be most beneficial to you and your practice. The mentor may not be industry-specific but is tailored to your needs, offering a range of experience and skills. You'll receive a minimum of ten hours of bespoke mentoring to support your place on the Programme. Meetings can be in-person or online and are used to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on your learnings with the support of someone in the creative world with relatable experiences who will act as a sounding board. We recommend one meet-up between mentor and mentee per month, which allows the relationship to flow at a nice relaxing pace.
“Vanilla Ink has built my confidence up so much that my practice has grown in ways I never thought were possible.”
If you choose to be an In-House INKer, at the start of your journey you will take part in a three day residential trip to Vanilla Ink The Smiddy to get to know your fellow INKers and Programme Leaders, alongside learning what to expect, meet our team up in The Smiddy and to generally have fun! You’ll take part in fun activities and probably end up wielding a hammer at some point down the line!
events and Networking
Over the course of the ten months, Vanilla Ink will invite designers, creatives and entrepreneurs to share their experiences in our Meet the Maker sessions to encourage further learning. Introductions will be made to key organisations and individuals to expand your network. We also curate networking events where the INKers will have a chance to showcase their work to a collection of audiences, ending the INKubator Programme with an exhibition and sales event. We also run a fun ‘Creative Speed Dating’ event where you’ll get the chance to pitch to successful industry creatives and answer their burning questions. Depending on what’s happening at what time, we can organise group visits to events, showcases and exhibitions.
the 2025 programme
This is the ultimate INKer experience! You will become one of us for the duration of the Programme, being given 24-hour access to Vanilla Ink with your very own bench, situated in the purpose-built INKers Studio of our wonderful premises in the East End of Glasgow.
Each of our Skills Development sessions will be delivered in person by our Master Goldsmith, where you will get the chance to enjoy a low tutor-to-student ratio, ensuring the best teaching experience. Alongside this, you will be given access to several of our online videos relating to the Skills Development subject.
Skills sessions are delivered fortnightly [on average], meaning INKers are expected to fully commit to their experience and immerse themselves in the Vanilla Ink family environment. You’ll get to know the other Residents, Tutors and staff and become a part of our team cohort here alongside your fellow 2025 INKers.
In total, this gives you workshop access for a full year [Jan - Dec], access to shared tools and equipment, all sessions of our Skills Development workshops, each of our Professional Development workshops, ten hours [minimum] of one-to-one mentoring, all our in-person Meet the Maker events, three Critical Response Process sessions and various networking and showcasing events. Across the ten months, you will spend approximately 100 hours in Vanilla Ink [not including time using the workshop for your own practice].
Don’t forget becoming a 2025 INKer includes the INKubator Away Weekend in January at The Smiddy. Oh, and you’ll be the proud wearer of a cracking INKer hoodie!
“Getting the opportunity to take part in the INKubator has been an amazing experience. It helped me gain knowledge which I didn’t know about before starting. Having this type of support and also access to a fully functioning workshop has allowed me to continue making and practice my skills.”
what we need from you
The INKubator Programme is open to jewellers who are committed to their craft and are actively pursuing a livelihood within the industry. We want to work alongside passionate makers who are looking to develop a career within the jewellery world and for designers who execute a high level of contemporary craft. Let's get one thing out the way immediately though: it really does not matter what stage of your career you are at - the INKubator is for you! It is not simply aimed at recent graduates or jewellers at the beginning of their career, this Programme is 100% aimed at all jewellers, no matter what level they are at or how long they have been doing it. You may well have been running your practice for several years but are looking to enhance your skills and take your business to the next level.
Have completed your education/training [formal education or training IS NOT necessary]
Have the desire to develop your practice into your sole occupation
Have a portfolio of recent/current work
Commit to the 10-month Programme
Provide an up-to-date creative C.V.
Commit to at least 8 hours per week developing your own practice
what do we look for in our inkers?
Want to apply to be an INKer? First, we will need you to fit the eligibility criteria - but how will you go about grabbing our attention so that you stand out from the crowd? If last year is anything to go by, we will receive far more applications than there are available places! Remember, positions are limited to only TEN INKers per year. You'll be based in our purpose-built INKers Studio here at VIHQ, with the studio having ten benches. It’s up to you to appear professional, clear with your aims and eager to begin! After submitting your application, we will thoroughly review each one and then invite a select few who impress us most for interviews.
Quality of work
Strong ideas
Passion and dedication
Quality of images
Open to new ideas and development
The application is an online form and is in real-time. We would suggest you use a separate Word document to fill out your answers and then copy and paste them into the document. We ask for your relevant training [no formal education is required] and where you are based, but what is really important to us is who you are.
Please consider your answers carefully as they will help us understand your commitment, quality and aspirations. We use your answers and interview to determine your mentor so we can offer you the best and most tailored support.
If you have any questions at all regarding the INKubator, what’s involved, or the application process, please get in touch!