All-INKlusive - Skills Development: How does it work?
When we redesigned and relaunched the INKubator Programme a few years ago, it was an entirely different beast to how it looked previously. With so many changes and a bigger, brighter, better team running Vanilla Ink CIC, we made the decision to ditch the old blueprint and begin again. First and foremost, we are a skills academy - we teach jewellery to everyone and anyone who wants to learn, from the absolute beginner to the seasoned veteran looking to work on their skills. Our classes are based upon ancient techniques where we teach a whole spectrum of skills at the bench right from the get-go.
It then made sense for us to flip the INKubator on its head and, instead of skills development being an add-on or a side hustle, it now became the actual focus of what we do. There’s no point being the biggest independent jewellery school if we don’t focus our flagship Programme around the teaching of good old-fashioned bench skills!
The INKubator Programme is now designed around these proper goldsmithing skills, meaning you’ll be able to know and understand how to create beautiful, magical pieces from scratch by the end of your ten months with us. But how good you’ll be at it is entirely up to you!
The INKers Studio
So, how does it all work? Well, the INKubator is designed and delivered by a master goldsmith and setter with nearly 30 years of experience in the business. By God, he must be a majorly grizzled old bastard, eh? To be honest, I’ve actually heard that he started really young and that he’s still incredibly handsome, talented and funny and it absolutely no way writes these blog posts. Anyhoo…
Working as a team, we’ve curated this Programme to gently flow through the content… we want you to enjoy it, not feel overwhelmed and be allowed to get nothing short of 100% out of it. We begin with the basics of goldsmithing and work our way up. That means we kick off with things like polishing and finishing, or bezel setting, then journey all the way up to channel setting squares in the space of ten months, stopping off at various points on the way. In fact, we stop off at a lot of places in the ten months.
That’s quite a list, eh?
It’s quite an extensive list we have here… and remember we have lots of sub-categories that will come into each session that we don’t list here. For example, we’ll show you how to sharpen and maintain scorpers as part of the advanced stone setting classes, or how to test and identify metals as part of the repair session. But most importantly, we don’t simply teach the act of setting - we’ll teach you how to mount make as well, something that is so damn important when it comes to becoming a complete goldsmith.
Mount making is often overlooked when it comes to teaching setting. Many other places solely focus on having their student play around with a bunch of cast blanks, learning how to set and how to set only. Now, while there’s nothing wrong with that [I’m just a fan of anyone who wants to pass these skills on], we are laser-focused on teaching absolutely everything that goes into goldsmithing. Knowing how to build settings, understanding the different ways to create ring shanks, and becoming far, far better with your hand tools is really important for us to teach you.
But to us, it’s not only the content that is important, it’s how we deliver it.
Using the camera means we can show some proper close up action
From benchpeg to camera to TV screen
We keep our class numbers low here at VI. The INKubator is limited to ten places with some more advanced content being broken up and smaller groups. Our benches are bunched together nicely to allow the tutor to address and teach each class easily, with all students being able to see the tutor and vice versa.
The teaching benches is positioned where students, either as a group or individual, can approach the tutor to ask questions, watch tutorials or return back for further demonstrations. And as you can see, we have a high-end camera hooked up so that intricate work can be easily viewed up close on our wall mounted monitor. Students often interchange between watching over the tutor’s shoulder or looking at the monitor to really see what’s going on with those tricky techniques!
The set up means the tutor can see the screen and use the camera properly
And the INKers can see everything easily on our super big screen!
Classes are split between the INKers Studio [where all INKers are based], and School One, dependent on the content. The good thing about having all these cameras, TVs and other tech is that we can deliver these sessions to the highest of standards. It also means that our professional development can be delivered to all INKers around our nice big table but where everyone has a good view of digital content or things written up on the large whiteboard. Full class notes are always given as digital handouts so that you’ve got something to look back on when you’re at your own bench practising away on those new skills you’ve been taught!
The INKers Studio has a teaching bench where the tutor can address all INKers
The set up allows for intimate, easy-to-follow tutorials
We’ve stacked the INKubator full of every skill you’ll need to become a complete goldsmith. All you need to add is time, dedication and PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE! You’ll only ever get out what you put in. We’ll give you all the tools, materials, literature and tutorials you’ll need. It’s then up to you to see what you become!
Want to become a 2025 INKer? Apply here.
Need some more information? Download our INKubator Guide.
Want to visit our studios to see what it’s all about? Get in touch!